Reserva Indígena Uty-Xunati

Area inhabited by Terena.




Population in the IL


Area (ha)



Legal situation Encaminhada RI
Legal jurisdiction Amazônia Legal
States (FS) RO
Isolated indigenous? Não
Frontier Stripe?
Overlapping Areas 0


There is no available data for plotting this Protected Area in a map.


Towns with incidence in this Indigenous Land

Towns - Reserva Indígena Uty-Xunati

# State (FS) Municipality Municipality Area (ha) IL area in the Municipality (ha) IL area in the Municipality (%)
1 RO Vilhena 1.169.914,60 890,34

Territorial Rights

Official recognition stage: Encaminhada RI (Decreto 10.763 - 10/08/2021)

Find out which is the stage off the official recognition processo of this land.

1 - Em Identificação
2 - Identificada
3 - Declarada
4 - Reservada
5 - Homologada
6 - Registrada no CRI e/ou SPU
7 - Restrição de uso
8 - Dominial Indígena
50% Finished

Encaminhada RI por Decreto 10.763 - 10/08/2021

Legal history

Keep up with legal history of this Indigenous Land

Related Normative Acts - Reserva Indígena Uty-Xunati

Documento Stage Número Fecha Publication
Decreto Encaminhada RI 10.763 09/08/2021 10/08/2021
Outros Encaminhada RI 9 25/03/2024 25/03/2024

Peoples and Demography

There is no demography information for this Indigenous Land.

Peoples Linguistic family Idioma
Terena Aruak Terena
Año Population in the Indigenous Land Origen



Tipo de Cobertura Vegetal Cobertura (%)
Contato Savana-Floresta Estacional 100,00

Bacias Hidrográficas

Bacia Abrangência (%)
Madeira 100,00


Bioma Cobertura (%)
Amazônia 100,00


Distribution of the presence of the State through Funai and Sesai

National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) Special Secretariat of Indigenous Health (SESAI)
Regional Coordination Office (CR) Special Indigenous Health District (DSEI)
Cuiabá coverage Vilhena (RO/MT) coverage

Indigenous Organizations

There is no stored information about Indigenous Organizations for Reserva Indígena Uty-Xunati.

Projects with indigenous participation

There is no stored information about projects for Reserva Indígena Uty-Xunati.

Pressures and Threats

Threats to the environment and to the life of the indigenous peoples - Reserva Indígena Uty-Xunati.

Deforestation in the Legal Amazon

This subject present the deforestation data analysis made by the Brazilian Amazonian Rainforest Satellite Monitoring Project (Prodes) run by the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). The Prodes aims to map deforestation in forest areas of Legal.

Total identified of deforestation until year 2000: 0 hectares
Total identified of deforestation until 2023: 18 hectares


Area covered by the point: a hotspot indicates the existence of fire in one picture element (pixel), which varies from 1 km x 1 km to 5 km x 4 km. This pixel may contain one or several distinct fires, but these will be represented as a single spot. If a fire is very extensive, it will be detected by some neighbouring pixels: in other words, various hot spots will be associated with a single large fire.

Overlapping Areas

Não existem sobreposições desta Terra Indígena com Unidades de Conservação.


There are no news about this protected area in the database.